Tuesday, May 14, 2013

For as long as I can remember...

...my family has been BBQing. In fact it wasn't until fall of my freshman year of college that I realized how much cooking in my family was actually done on a bbq. I was homesick and craving my fathers flank steak and caesar salad. I thought seriously about trying to recreate it, of course I had nothing but a microwave and a George Forman that was hidden illegally under my bed in the dorm...fire hazard shmire hazard. When I decided to recreate another family recipe, I couldn't come up with one that didnt require an outdoor grill. The dorms, and every place I lived after didn't allow bbqs and of course they were much harder to hide. Who could blame them, a 19 year old girl playing with propane, matches, and lighter fluid? Sounds like a recipe for disaster with or without the tequila.

Now that I have matured (slightly) or at least live in a home with a steady income, dog, long term boyfriend, and an actual dishwasher... I have decided to embark on the Budge family tradition of becoming a somewhat of a pit master (or in my case pit mistress) in my own right. I am jumping in with both feet. Forget the propane, and the mini weber grills... This is going to be all about my summer of smoking, grilling, slow cooking, and roasting on one of the finest outdoor cookers on the market... The Traeger.

Those of you who believe that bbqing is a mans game... you can either leave, or stay and learn a thing or two. BBQing is in my blood and besides that, everyone knows that women who play with fire... are hot.

The Pit Mistress

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